As useless as a spirit
Bound and gagged
in desperation,
I watch in silent agony
as my daughter
heedleessly races
toward an abyss
Muted by her
single minded purpose
I try to cry out
to warn her
To tell her that I care
That I am here
should she ever need me . . .
But I'm like my mother before me
who was also bound and gagged
watching HER heedless daughter
resolutly treading the same path
towards the same abyss
My heart breaks now,
As hers did then.
They weave their own tapastries,
These children of ours . . .
We can no more tell them what
Threads to weave in
Than we can change the color of the sky . . .
But we can be there,
When they call upon us
To help sort the tangled threads
Bandage the pricked fingers
And help them get on with their lives.